How to combat Sea Sickness
Sea sickness or motion sickness is caused by the motion of a car, plane or boat which changes the balance in our inner ear, and causes sickness, dizziness and sweating. Coping with motion sickness on a cruise holiday is horrible, how can you possibly enjoy yourself when every wave makes you feel nauseous.

Here are our top tips to prevent motion sickness;
- Firstly, always sit facing the direction of travel, this will help you to know when there could be increased motion and will help your body to adjust.
- Be careful of what you eat or drink before the journey, try to avoid drinking lots of fluids, consuming alcohol, and being too full, all will not help and could make you feel more nauseous.
- Try to sit at the front of the boat, or choose a seat where you will experience the least motion, for example, the middle deck of a boat.
- Try not to read or look down during the journey, you should try not to concentrate on anything except watching the route ahead.
- Try to fix your gaze on a fixed point ahead; even if it is the horizon, this should help your body to adapt.
- You can purchase some herbal and over-the-counter remedies which can be extremely effective. For longer journeys (i.e. a Cruise) ask your Doctor for some prescription medication.
- Always try to sit near a source of fresh air or air conditioning; this should help to cool you down.
Happy cruising!