Family Travel Insurance Buyers Guide
When planning a holiday with your family it is absolutely vital that you invest in quality travel insurance for you all before you depart. Family holidays can be expensive, and sometimes travel insurance gets pushed to the bottom of the priority list, however, without travel insurance you leave yourself and your loved ones vulnerable if you have a holiday disaster.
So what does family travel insurance cover? To answer that question we’ve written this handy expert guide on buying affordable and quality family Travel Insurance.

Top Family Travel Insurance Tips
Cover Levels
When you start your research, think about the cover you and your family actually need. For example;
- How much have you paid for the holiday? This will dictate the level of cancellation cover you need, just in case you cannot go on the trip for any unexpected reasons.
- Are you travelling to Europe or worldwide? As a rule of thumb you should always choose a policy which offers at least £2m medical cover for Europe, and £5m when travelling worldwide.
- Are you travelling with any expensive gadgets or personal possessions? If these aren’t covered under your home insurance you’ll need to ensure these are covered by your travel insurance.
Once you have a rough idea of the key benefits your policy needs, you can then start researching.
It can be tempting to visit a comparison site and choose the cheapest option, but it’s really important to shop around and check the cover available.
Comparison sites are very useful at giving you a snapshot of options, but by no means do they display every brand available, plus the cheapest price doesn’t necessarily mean the best deal, as the cover could have been slashed to get the price that low.
Try searching on the internet and checking out consumer experts such as Which?, Money Saving Expert and Defaqto for their reviews and recommendations. TOP TIP: Many travel insurers offer free cover for kids under 18 on family policies, so make sure you shop around for these deals!
Optional Extras
The next thing to think about is any additional extras you may need to add to your cover, for example we’ve already touched upon adding gadget cover, but you may also need to purchase additional cover if you’re going on a cruise, or if you need cover for activities such as water sports.
Cover for Medical Conditions
It is really absolutely vital that you declare any existing medical conditions to your travel insurer at the time of purchase. If you don’t, you won’t be covered for any claim related to that condition.
For example, one question we get at Holidaysafe all the time is ‘I haven’t had an Asthma attack in years but I still have an inhaler, do I need to tell you about that?’ The answer is yes, because this is a diagnosed breathing condition.
If you don’t declare every condition (whether completely stable or not), you won’t be covered for any bills related to that condition, for example if you need to cancel your trip or seek medical attention because it flares up.
The ‘Small Print’
Once you have purchased your policy, you will usually be given 14 days to read it through and check that it covers your particular needs. Most people will take one look at their policy wording and never look again, but it is really important that you have a quick look through to 1) make sure it actually meets your needs, and 2) to give you time to ask your insurer any questions or make changes before you depart for you trip.
Family Travel Insurance FAQs
What documents do I need to remember to take with me?
Passports and travel insurance documents are vital when travelling abroad. From 1st January 2021 rules around travel to Europe have changed, visit the Government website for up to date information on passports, EHIC, healthcare and more. We’ll update this page with more information as and when the Government release it. .
Does my family need travel insurance when travelling inside Europe?
This is another question we get all the time as a lot of people unfortunately do not feel the need to buy travel insurance when travelling to Europe, however after 1st Jan 2021, we will no longer be in the European Union, meaning the EHIC card will be null and void and therefore travel insurance is more important than ever.
Are the cover levels per person?
Yes, all cover levels should be per person when searching for travel insurance, so if your holiday cost £4,000 and there are four of you on the policy, you only need cover for £1,000 per person. However, it’s important to remember that the excesses will also be per person.
Can I travel whilst pregnant and do I need to declare my pregnancy?
Pregnancy is not a medical condition, and so does not need to be declared. The only things you may need to declare are any pregnancy related conditions, for example gestational diabetes or high blood pressure.
Different insurers (and airlines) will have different rules on travelling whilst pregnant, so make sure you read your policy wording and double check before you travel. For more information, please visit our dedicated pregnancy travel insurance page.
Further Reading
Holidaysafe has been featured in the Which? Travel Insurance review tables since 2010. To view the Which? table of results including their Best Buy travel insurance policies, click here