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How does it work?

The albert & eddie algorithm works by asking you for a few additional details about your trip and travel insurance needs. Based on these answers, we then provide a short list of results across our entire product range (not just Holidaysafe products) which meets your needs.

For example, we’ll ask you roughly how much you paid for your holiday per person, so we can ensure we only display products which will cover at least this amount in the event you have to cancel your trip.

This should ensure that you have a simpler quote process, and are only shown products which actually meet your needs – making the decision process easier and giving you more certainty in the event of a claim.

It also ensures that, if one of our sister brands has a cheaper price, we’ll show it to you – simple as that.

Why did we choose to use the albert & eddie customer journey?

Using their smart technology, albert & eddie remove the risk of you seeing too many options and being completely stuck on which one to choose.

albert & eddie’s smart comparison tool will always aim to offer you three top products which meet your trip criteria, so you can choose the one that’s right for you. This should ultimately lead to better claims outcomes and increased overall customer satisfaction.

Who or what is albert & eddie?

albert & eddie (named after Albert Einstein and Thomas Eddison) is a smart comparison tool, and we are proud to now offer this unique algorithm to our Holidaysafe customers.

Just so you know, Holidaysafe and albert & eddie are part of the same family, which is owned and distributed by Travel Insurance Facilities Plc. All products displayed are insured by Collinson Insurance (a trading name of Astrenska Insurance Limited).

Do albert & eddie power your medical screening system too?

At Holidaysafe we understand that everyone is different, and shouldn’t be labelled or pigeonholed just because they have a certain condition. That is why we use the specialist Protectif Medical Risk Rating on our policies. We had no plans to change medical screening providers, and so the albert & eddie customer journey has integrated with Protectif. You can read more about this here.

How do I get a quote?

Simply click here to start your free quote today.

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Why Holidaysafe?
  • Award-Winning Travel Insurance*
  • Save 15%Ɨ Online
  • 24/7 Emergency Medical Assistance
  • Discount on Couples & Family Policies
  • 4.6/5 Stars on Google Business*
  • FREE and SECURE Customer Area
  • And Much More