Appropriate Holidays for Pregnant Travelers
When it comes to holidays for pregnant women, not all trips are created equal. Some excursions are far better suited to guarantee your comfort and enjoyment. Some of the most prevalent trips of this nature include:
Pamper breaks – Taking a holiday is all about relaxing, so it’s a wonder more people don’t get involved in these types of trips on a regular basis. On a pamper or spa break, you’ll head off to effectively be waited on hand and foot.
These holidays tend to involve traditional spa activities, like a mud bath, full facial and massages. Their ultimate aim is to create an atmosphere which allows you to relax, and shed the stress of your daily life. They’re also a great chance to spend time with family or friends, before the baby comes along! At a time when hormonal changes and other pressures are bound to be having an impact, this type of trip will make you happier, and your unborn little one healthier.
Sightseeing – Assuming you’re not intending to walk to the top of mount Fuji, a sight-seeing trip can have its benefits when you’re expecting. Soaking up architecture and culture from around the world is something you can do at any time, regardless of your condition.
A trip to any major city would offer a bevy of different sites of interest to sink your teeth into. Sometimes you’ll even be able to carry out these types of trip on a train if you don’t feel like walking for too long. The US is particularly famed for its varied array of train tours, where you’ll hurtle along until you reach a monument or area of natural beauty. At this stage, a train will slow to allow you to absorb the full brilliance of the spot.
Cruises – So long as you have clearance from your doctor, you should be able to book yourself onto a cruise liner for an extended trip away. A cruise is somewhat perfect if you’re going with the family.
While mum can relax on deck in the sun, the rest of the clan have the chance to get involved with the numerous activities undoubtedly put on throughout the day. You’ll also be gifted the chance to hop off at several ports and check out the local scenery.
Villa breaks – If you fancy a change from your daily grind, but don’t necessarily want your time away to be too commercial or touristy, a short stay in a villa serves as the perfect middle-ground. It’s this natural integration between home and holiday life which makes a stay in a villa so perfect for pregnant travellers.
Enjoy the change of scenery, culture and climate, without having to drastically alter your routine. Sure, it’s nice to spice things up a little bit, but a stark alteration to your daily life might cause unnecessary stress. Self-catered villa excursions serve as the perfect bridge between a holiday and regular life.
Coastal breaks – Taking a trip to the seaside can be incredibly rewarding. Research has shown there are a surprising amount of health benefits from relaxing by the sea. Just some of them include:

1) Heightened relaxation – The calming effect of the waves lapping the seashore has been proven to provoke a relaxed atmosphere among sea-siders. Again, pregnancy is the perfect time to try and alleviate as much stress as possible.

2) Better sleep – Sea air is charged with a series of negative ions which accelerate our ability to absorb oxygen. This causes us to feel more energised during the day, but also more relaxed and with an ability to unwind at night.

3) Healthier skin – The impact of the sun (in careful doses) has had a proven benefit on our skin for decades – releasing Vitamin D. Assuming you’re headed somewhere likely to be a hotspot for sun, this should apply for you.